Posts tagged Season 1
How & Why Misunderstandings Happen (And What to Do About Them)

While misunderstanding might seem like one of those things that doesn’t require a definition I believe there’s benefit to it. For example, it reminds us that misunderstandings take place on a two way street. So often when we feel misunderstood it creates feelings of isolation. We tend to retreat because we feel unknown or unseen.

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Why Making a Good First Impression Is Worth All the Effort

First impressions - a concept we all know so well. Just thinking about making a good first impression probably brings on feelings of stress and anxiety. The situations that create first-impression scenarios tend to be high-stake already. It's no wonder we feel pressure at the thought of needing to appeal to others when we're already nervous.

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Why You Think People Critique You More Than They Really Do

The spotlight effect is when we overestimate the amount of attention people give to our outward appearance or behavior. It creates a climate that misunderstandings can thrive in. There are very real consequences in our day-to-day life, and professional opportunities alike, if we don't keep the spotlight effect in check.

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What is the Transparency Illusion and How Does It Lead to Misunderstanding?

The transparency illusion is the belief that what we think, feel, desire, and intend is obvious to others. We feel like we're expressing more than we truly are, so we don't make as much effort to communicate as clearly as we should. Transparency illusion often takes place when we feel uncomfortable, insecure or vulnerable.

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Why Are Career Self-Help Books So Popular for Women?

Would you be surprised to learn that many of the female business books that are popular today are quite similar to those that were popular in the 60s? I sure was surprised when I learned that! From an academic perspective, the conversation around women and business has already evolved enough that there are different 'periods' to describe the differences.

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How Personality Influences Leadership Self-Efficacy

Personality has a big influence on how you view yourself and the way you respond to situations. Because of this, it also largely influences our Leadership Self-Efficacy - or our belief in our own leadership abilities. In this episode of Feminine Foresight, we look at the Big Five Personality Theory traits and discuss how the positively, or negatively, influence Leadership Self-Efficacy.

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What Is Self-Efficacy and How Does It Relate to Leadership?

Efficacy is all about ability, or effectiveness. It means the ability to create or produce a desired outcome. Self-efficacy, then, refers to your own ability or effectiveness in a given situation. But like many other words that start with the 'self' prefix (self-esteem, self-consciousness, self-awareness, etc.) it has more to do with your self-beliefs than reality.

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What Is Feminine Style Rhetoric and Why Is It Important?

'Feminine style' doesn't mean 'women do this'. It's broader than that. Feminine style indicates that the characteristic traits of the style are softer, group focused and collaborative. Rhetoric is the artform of communicating and persuading an audience. Rhetoric is the thought and planning about how information is structured and presented for optimal impact.

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