Group Coaching

Your Complete Career Change Toolbox



  • Waking up in the morning feeling confidence and peace that you’re on the right path in your career 

  • Leaving your work at work in the evening with a sense of pride about all that you accomplished

  • Being inspired and motivated by your dreams rather than anxious or doubtful of how they’ll come to fruition

  • Knowing what your work is worth and effectively asking for it or negotiating for it

  • Building a professional reputation that speaks to your potential and invites growth opportunities

  • Talking about the work you do with a genuine smile on your face because of the purpose you feel in your work

Wouldn’t that be amazing?


It’s totally possible for you


I can help you achieve it!

Hi, my name is Jennifer Spoelma.

I love helping people find clarity, direction and purpose in their careers. I know what it’s like to feel lost, stuck and underutilized at work. I’ve spent the last few years learning everything I can about what leads to a fulfilling career and have used that knowledge to make some pretty significant career moves myself.

I’ve invested in Professional Career Coach training, and am so honored to help people experience the life-changing transformation that comes when you know how to build a career that aligns with your strengths, skills, interests and values.


Participant Testimonials


“Jennifer’s guidance and expertise was exactly what I was looking for as I began my career transition.

I’ve never done any coaching program before and am so happy I took the opportunity to work with her and I am seeing the results of my efforts in my new fulfilling career!”

-Johanna Sawyer


“Jennifer’s program was a complete game-changer for me. This experience was the perfect opportunity to find my true path, polish up my resume and put myself out there.

I have had interviews with two companies so far and I'm continuing to build my own personal brand along the way. I now have the confidence to go for the roles I want and kill my interviews.”

-Imani Campbell


Who is this program for?

  • Career Changers: Do you feel stuck in your career but not exactly sure how to take the next step? Do you feel uncertain about what careers would be a good fit for you? 

  • Promotion Candidates: Do you want to improve your ability to articulate your value and achieve your growth goals at your company? 

  • Job Seekers: Are you currently unemployed or underemployed and needing help framing your story for future opportunities? 

  • Recent Graduates: Have you been applying to dozens of job postings without even getting a response, or feel like you don't have the minimum requirements for the jobs you want? 

  • Side Hustlers: Are you craving more alignment in what you do out of passion, and what you do for money, but feel stuck in your current situation? 

If any of these sound like your situation, this group coaching program is for you!


More Testimonials


“Due to all of Jennifer's help on LinkedIn and with interviews and resume building, I was able to find a job that does match my "ideal career profile" in just a couple weeks!

I think anyone, whether you're looking for a career change or not, would benefit greatly from her course. It will give you the courage to seek better opportunities and negotiate with confidence.”

-Stephanie Ward


What is the
Group coaching program?


A 6-week long group coaching program that prepares you to find the next opportunity that’s a perfect fit for you.

It’s your complete career change toolbox!

The next cohort is starting soon!

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What You Get

  • 6 masterclass sessions designed to walk you through the process of defining your ideal career profile, identify your most aligned career path and planning out your next steps to get there

  • 2 one-on-one breakthrough coaching sessions to help you blast through barriers and gain momentum in your career transition

  • Cohort of amazing and motivated professionals to learn from and add to your network

  • Access to an exclusive Facebook group for continued connection, support and professional development

  • Access to my Confident Career Decision Maker course and the Decide With Foresight workbook

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  • Access to my Negotiations Toolbox: Full of curated resources, templates and scripts to help you nail your next negotiation and present your best self in formal business situations--without the stress!


 Ready to Invest in Yourself?


6-week group coaching program that prepares you to find and land the next opportunity that’s a perfect fit for you.
